By Siperstein Dermatology Group

One of the more tedious parts of wearing makeup is the need to clean your makeup brushes after using them. However, being diligent with consistent cleaning can help to avoid frustrating breakouts and keep your skin clear. Adding this extra step to your routine is something you don’t want to skip for several reasons:


When your makeup brushes are left with excess products in them, they also store any dirt or bacteria that they come into contact with on your face.  Your brushes become the ideal breeding location for bacteria, which then gets put back on to your face the next time you use the brush. Not all bacteria cause skin diseases, but many types have some inconvenient and frustrating side effects. 


Generally, the first visible effect of using dirty makeup brushes is breaking out. When your pores are exposed to the build-up of dirt and bacteria in your makeup brushes, they become clogged, and breakouts can follow. Ensuring your brushes are clean is a great way to avoid unnecessary, stubborn pimples.

To help your pores stay clean, be sure to exfoliate about three times a week to remove any makeup that regular cleanser might have missed. You can also utilize Clarisonic brushes to remove excess make up and help your nightly products penetrate better and work more effectively. 


A build-up of makeup, dirt, and bacteria can change the chemistry and therefore the texture of your brushes’ bristles over time. Of course, all brushes will eventually get old, but neglecting the ones you own can cause them to degrade much earlier than they would naturally. Not only does this waste your money, but results in:


Another downside to having your makeup brushes’ bristles change texture is that they can start to irritate and add stress to your skin. This irritation is most noticeable around your eyes since the skin there is thinner and more delicate than the rest of your face. When your skin is dry and irritated, it appears more wrinkled than supple, smooth skin.


Sometimes, your brushes are exposed to more harmful bacteria and germs like the type that cause pinkeye, also known as Conjunctivitis. It’s a nasty and uncomfortable eye infection that could be proactively combated if you wash your makeup brushes regularly. It’s also important to remember not to share makeup brushes with other people unless you know for sure that they were cleaned properly.


Depending on how often you wear makeup, washing your brushes every one to two weeks should be enough to keep harmful bacteria at bay. Using makeup wipes on your brushes after every application can help speed up the deep cleaning process and prevent product build-up.

If you only wear makeup on the rare occasion, it can be tempting to not wash your brushes afterward. You’ve only used them once, so they can’t be that dirty, right? Wrong! Makeup brushes left to sit over time build up bacteria the same way brushes used daily do. If you haven’t worn makeup in a while and are planning to, give your brushes a deep clean the day before you use them. This helps prevent your once-in-a-while makeup look from leaving you with a frustrating breakout.

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